Convergence is the process of reconfiguring or converting a vCenter Server instance with an external Platform Services Controller to a vCenter Server instance with an embedded Platform Services Controller. Convergence Internal Workflow illustrates the process of converging a single standalone vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller to a vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller. Check vCenter is standalone or linked vCenter, plan accordingly to perform vCenter Converge. In Case of Linked vCenter, This testing is performed on vCenter 6.7 Example Linked List of vCenter and PSC vCenter1 vCenter2 vCenter3 vCenter4 vCenter5 PSC1 PSC2 PSC3 PSC1 mapped to vCenter 1 and vCenter2, PSC2 Mapped to vCenter3 and vCenter4 and PSC3 mapped to vCenter5 Each PSC mapped to 2 vCenter, last PSC mapped to 1 vCenter Take Backup of vCenter Check all PSC and vCenter are in same version, if there version mismatch. make all component version identical. Do...
vCenter VCSA will have default self-sign certificate which communicate with 443 over https. There are three method of certificate 1. Self-Sign Certificate 2. Custom certificate 3. VMCA We are discussing with vCenter replaced certificate either custom and VMCA. I am using custom method. Mostly organization will have their CA server locally or outsourced or public CA server service. Embedded vCenter you need to replace certificate on one appliance, incase of external vCenter you need to replace on PSC and vCenter. Before replacing and after replacing certificate you can check SSL certificate details with this command “openssl s_client -connect localhost:443” This is article we going to secure LDAP on VSCA. The LDAP(Secure) on PSC Identity Source Configuration Wizard. vCenter LDAP is integrated on PSC. If its embedded vCenter you can perform this Steps on vCenter. If vCente...